Let's Have a Good Look at Gut Health

The gut is composed of a whole host of friendly bacteria that affect your body’s functions and keep it and your brain functioning as they should.
There’s a lot of research that has proven these gut bacteria affect the way you store fat, how you balance levels of glucose in your blood, and how you respond to hormones that make you feel hungry or satisfied.
The wrong internal mix can set the stage for obesity and other health issues later in life.
There's growing evidence that gut bacteria really might influence our minds.
Gut bacteria may also produce feel good chemicals, regulate your mood including serotonin and dopamine. Researchers have also discovered that a nervous system in your gut (known as the “second brain”) communicates with the brain in your head. It also plays a role in certain diseases and in mental health.
In other words, the wellness of both your body and your brain depend on your gut health.