What it is: Full cream milk or full-fat milk is cow’s milk that contains on average 3.8% fat.
How it is made: Full cream milk comes from Daisy’s udders, then is homogenised and pasteurised.
Health perk:Full cream milk is high in calcium and provides a unique package of essential nutrients including: vitamin A, vitamin B12, riboflavin, potassium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, carbohydrate and protein.
Over the last five years nutrition science has evolved and research is now showing that not all saturated fats are equal.
In fact milk drinkers, including regular fat drinkers, have a slightly lower risk of heart disease, hypertension and bowel cancer.
Health pitfall:After surgery, some patients are considered lactose Intolerant, so choose a lactose free milk, which still offers a range of essential nutrients andhealthy protein.
A2 milk should be considered for those with Autoimmune issues, or family history.
Low fat dairy products generally have slightly higher lactose contentdue to the addition of milk solids, so always check the label. Full fat will satisfy you for longer.
Organic and grass fed milks have less residue from farming, and are higher in Omega 3 fats than other forms.